Stockton is a city in the United States that was founded in 1849 and today is the center of the San Joaquin County, located in the sunny state of California. The number of people living in the town is about 300 thousand, and if you count with the suburbs, that is, more than half a million.
Stockton is located about 100 km east of large San Francisco, which stretches on the Western side of the United States right on the Pacific Ocean. Well, about 80 km north of Stockton is another large American city, Sacramento.
Stockton: California and the Climate
As befits a city located in the vastness of the California state, Stockton is always sunny and hot. From May to September inclusive, the average air temperature here reaches 30 degrees, and the level of precipitation in the summer months tends to zero. At the same time, from spring to autumn, there are often days in which the air temperature exceeds 40 degrees, and the absolute maximum was recorded in July at 46.1 ° C.
Winter is very warm here, and the thermometer almost never drops below zero degrees. The average temperature from December to February inclusive is 3.5-4.5 ºС. On the coldest winter day, the air temperature dropped to 8.8 ºС only a few times.
Crime level
The town is very poor and constantly in debt. If Stockton eventually declares bankruptcy, it could be the largest bankruptcy in the history of cities in the United States. This state of affairs is due to the consequences of the economic crises that have shaken the country since the 2000s. This is especially curious against the backdrop of the history of the city. The fact is that in the 19th century it was the third largest settlement in California. This was ensured by the influx of all those who decided to try their luck during the “gold rush” into the Central Valley.
The city owes its appearance and development in part to its favorable location. It stands on the navigable San Joaquin River, which turns it into a seaport and an important transport hub. Hundreds of thousands of tons of agricultural products and foodstuffs pass through it.
However, Stockton has now lost its importance for the region’s economy, which has contributed to a sharp surge in crime. According to the popular Forbes magazine, this town is in the fifth place in the list of the most dangerous cities in the United States.